Thursday, November 24, 2011

give thanks...

welcome to my thanksgiving post.

slash /update post.

slash /sorry for being MIA post.

you get the idea...

Anyways. It's been awhile, eh?? Hope you've all been doing well out there in the blogosphere (Is that even a word...?? Oh well, it is now) and that you've been happy-go-lucky for the most part. To recap, last time we met, I'd quit my job. That was about a month and a half ago, give or take a few days. And I'm happy to now be able to say that...I am now employed again!!! *clinks wine glass in celebration* I now work for Banana Republic and Sephora (try not to scream too loud, I know. SE-FREAKIN-PHORA!), and it could not have come at a better time, because I've run out--well, almost--of money. That was only by God--seriously, I went from having no job for what seemed like forever, to all of them coming in during the same week. Last week I got offers from two different locations of Banana Republic, Sephora, and another temp agency that mostly looks for office jobs for you. I gotta tell ya, I'm feeling super blessed these days! Just goes to show God doesn't ever leave you hanging...

Anyways. It's that time of year again, to be thankful, even though you should be thankful every day of every year. My BestFriend Gayle of Pemberley Rose inspired me to do this: list five things you love most about your appearance. So, because they are not necessarily in any order, here goes...

what i like about you ME:
  • my eyes. considering that I'm Asian and Asians generally tend to have smaller eye types than that of other ethnicities, I think I have decently large eyes, and I like their deep brown color--looks amaaazing when I swear green or purple eyeshadow, ha. My eyes are part of the reason why makeup is such a passion of mine.
  • my hair. I have pretty much always had long hair, and I love it that way because I can do so many things with it. Not to say I actually do, because I do get lazy quite often, but I just feel prettier with long hair. If ever there was an emergency where say, for example, I were to get gum stuck in my hair and have to chop it all off--I really do think I'd cry. 
  • my skin tone. I'm somewhere between light/medium and medium. I love my warm skin because it works well with a wide variety of colors, whether it be hair or makeup. I love that I actually have the ability to tan, and if I have the time, I actually get decently dark. Most women hate tan lines...but I LOVE mine! It's like saying, "here I am, look at  my tan!" Lol...
  • my lips (muah!). I used to hate my lips, but now I've come to love them. They're pretty full, and the weird thing that was the reason I hated them was because when I smile, my top lip completely disappears. This, combined with a picture taken at the wrong angle, makes me look like my bottom lip is abnormally...well, abnormal. But hey, that's what people get plastic surgery to have, right? Well, I won't have to. :)
  • my curves. I have struggled with body image for awhile. It took me a considerable amount of time to accept and appreciate being curvy, and to be honest, I do still have my days when I look in the mirror and don't like what I see. But curves are beautiful! I'd rather be beautiful and natural and the way God made me than be stick-thin because I throw up every mean I eat or because I snort cocaine as dinner. Curves are beautiful, sexy, and natural. And don't let anyone ever tell you different!
well, that's it for me this time. what are you thankful for this year? what five things do you love most about you?