Thursday, December 29, 2011

long overdue family time.

I just got back from a trip to the Bay area (if you don't know what that is, it's NorCal) and it was amazing. I went with my cousins Jess, Matt, and Tiff and their parents, my aunt, and my sister and parents. I could tell my dad was happy seeing having almost all (four out of five kids) of his brothers and sisters there. The funny thing about my uncles, Cheav Lee and Chan Leng...they all sound exactly like my dad. And if you put the three of them side by side, they all look the same, but slightly different. Uncle Cheav is the only one out of the three that dyes his hair, lol. Uncle Chan Leng doesn't, so it's like mostly black with slight gray here and there. And then there's Father Dearest...with his full head of white hair. Also, My dad has the biggest tummy, haha. Next is Uncle Cheav, who's like average, while Uncle Chan Leng is skinny. But they all have the same eyes, smiles, and mannerisms....I love that. Even the ladies of the family talk like my dad too...my aunt Chou Leang is loud like my dad, but my aunt Sorlang is chill like he is.

Aaaaanyways, on Tuesday, as usual, the girls went shopping at Valley Fair (we always go there...next time I wanna shop at different places...AND go to Frisco!!), and poor Matt stayed at home with the dogs (Mochi, his dog, and Copper, my uncle's dog). The adults went on a walk haha...I could tell my mom wanted to go shopping with us but there was no room in the car and we definitely weren't gonna take two. I really wanted to go to Frisco, but NorCal weather was not letting up with the cold! My friends up in the bay area were like, "pack warm...it's in the thirties"...I underestimated WAY too much.  I live in Southern California...where cold is between 60-70 degrees...oyyy.

Then later we split off...Matt, Tiff, and Jess went to dinner with their other cousins from their mom's side, so I kicked it with my SJ boys Ryan, Nino, and Jeff...we had dinner and drinks, pretty chill. I got to see some sights...aka Jeff's high school lol, Tully road (bridge? I forget), and the gorgeous San Jose yellow lights!!! Seriously, breathtaking. Dammit for me not taking any pictures! Grrrr >:| But yeah, it was chill getting to kick it with the homies because I never see them!  They dropped me off but not before getting lost...my cousin's neighborhood is confusinggg AF. But it's all good, made it home to Orange County in one piece.

San Jose, I'll be back.....