Wednesday, December 22, 2010

and, before i leave for the night, can i just say...

that i am absolutely head-over-heels, 100% in love...with Glee right now! Forget the storyline, which yes, includes borderline cheesy plots derived from cliche, drama-filled situations surrounded by plenty of hormonal teenage angst, but more importantly, has lots and lots and lots of singing.

i love singing. and to be honest, while i do love singing, most musicals do not sit well with me. everything is too planned and forced, but with this show, each musical number really comes perfectly during whatever scene precedes it. it's kind of like when you sometimes fantasize that your life is a movie and you imagine certain situations as the equivalent to having your own soliloquy in the form of a sing-and/or-dance number.

okay, maybe not everyone is like me in that sense (for example, where i'm at, there's an intense storm going on right now. it's raining cats and dogs and hippos and elephants, and the wind is fierce. and i'm picturing me dancing in the rain singing some ridiculously emo song)...but there is one scene from an episode called "Grilled Cheesus"--don't ask, just watch--called "One of Us." I literally sleep with it at night on repeat, playing it on my phone and I have not tired of it yet.

...it's been several days.

watch Glee.


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