Wednesday, December 22, 2010

it's raining, it's pouring...

and i love, love, love it.

last night a storm hit around midnight and i was getting out of work at a little before one--right where it was going at its hardest and fastest. i'm pretty sure that my lil' pink umbrella does not not have much of a lifespan left...the wind broke it, i think. we'll see.

but i love the rain. it gets you in the mood--no, not in that way, sicko...lol--but seriously, there's something about it. it's kind of like a metaphor. have you ever looked outside after it rains? the air is beautiful. clean. fresh. yeah, there might be leftover debris here and there, but that's a small sacrifice for the bigger picture here. and every time it rains i'm reminded that sometimes we all have storms. but in the end, it's better for us, and we come out of it fresh, clean, and ready to take on whatever comes our way. but think about it: without rain, we'd have droughts galore. no water = not much chance of survival, considering our bodies are made up of about 75% of it. same with the metaphorical storms in our lives--without the bad, we'd never appreciate the good. who knows, maybe we'd never even notice it. and then the whole purpose of things that make us happy is defeated.

thank you, God, for the rain.

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