Thursday, December 30, 2010

lessons to live by.

the thing i love about my age is...I'm not the youngest kitten in the litter, but not an old geezer either. I can now say I'm "in my twenties"....ha. But I really have learned a lot and I'm in no way trying to sound all preachy--because I most definitely have a lot more to keep on learning. and here is what i've learned:

1. Always be prepared. You can never go wrong if you are!!! And this goes for any situation. Job interview/first day on the job or of school--be early. If you're waiting in line to buy something, return something, register for something--while you're waiting, have all the necessary items on hand. Don't wait until it's your turn and then be all, "uhh....just a second...it's here somewhere..." and this goes for even just always having the right stuff. I am a contact lens wearer, so I make sure to carry solution and my contacts case and even glasses just in case. And I have eye drops...and bandaids...and i'm working on trying to carry cash with me (even though I hate it), in case of emergencies.

2. Never do anything half-heartedly. This, for me at least, applies to two things: shopping and dating. For shopping, it means not buying anything that you're not 100% crazy about--BUT...avoiding impulse buys is also important! What I do is I'll look at something and be in love with it, then walk away for a bit and come back. And I'll try not to buy it unless I can think of five places/occassions to wear it to! As for dating? Never get into a relationship half-heartedly. Don't assume you'll eventually fall in love with the person, never assume when someone's feelings are at risk, especially your own. It's not fair to the other person, or to you. The biggest mistake you can make in a relationship (besides cheating) is preventing someone else from being as happy as they can.

3. You are what you are committed to. Say it with me now: oooooh. Seriously! I learned this from my youth pastor, and it could not be more true.  Just look back at your life--what are your priorities, what takes up most of your time, what defines you? it's something to think about.

4. Get to the point. Don't beat around the bush. Confrontation is hard, awkward, nerve-wracking--but necessary. **EMBARRASSING STORY ALERT** In middle school, I have no idea why, but I guess at the time I thought that life could be solved by writing notes. Every guy me or my friends liked, we told through a note. I'd try to get the least amount of face-to-face contact as possible, until I knew for sure things would work out--which usually never did. Long, long story short, notes NEVER work. better to just be upfront and tell it to them, straight up.  I also pretended to like people back for fear of hurting them by rejecting them...ALSO NOT FUN. OR BENEFICIAL TO ANYONE!!! Dang, I was pretty messed up back then...haha.

5. If you have to wonder if it's too tight...it probably is. Self-explanatory.

6. Trust your instincts. No one knows you better than you. If you have to second guess something, you probably shouldn't go through with it.

7. Don't let anyone sway you from your beliefs. Stand your ground--it's true what they say; if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for something. Find something to believe in, something to live for...and hold on tight to it. Don't let people influence you, be your own person, stand up for yourself. Don't be a doormat that people can step all over...do not take crap from anyone!

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