Wednesday, December 22, 2010

welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to insomnia at its finest.

good evening, or should i say, morning!

as i write this, i'm seriously blaming my friend Carlos for giving me a coffee-flavored Monster energy drink. tell me...wtf was i thinking?! should have known better...rarely do i ever drink energy drinks. it's just bad news...and now that i've acquired a 24-hour Fitness gym pass, i'm way more careful about what i eat. i can't stress enough how muy importante it is to take care of yourself! you can look like the hottest person in the world on the outside but if you can't walk a set of stairs without huffing and puffing...i'm no doctor, but i'm pretty sure something's wrong.

second order of business..."why 'red lipstick, black lace'?"
i figured at least one person out there would wonder why i chose this name for a blog. you see, i was racking my brain for something that would sum me up, but not define me with just one aspect of myself and who i truly am. (having said that, i figured also that something like "LaKeRfAn4LyFe" or "MakeupAddict" wouldn't truly sum up the essence of who i am.) i thought...and thought, and thought, and after thinking some more, this came to mind. i believe women should be appreciated not only for their beauty, but also for their knowledge. we should feel empowered. so many are objectified and judged at face value, and after enough of that sometimes, it's inevitable that one has no choice but to believe that they are as limited as everyone makes them out to be. and the combination of red lipstick and black lace is sexy, and bold without being overly so of either. it exudes confidence. it's tough, yet delicate at the same time. and that's me. maybe not all the time, but for the most part, it's what i am, and strive to be more so as i grow and somehow make it through this crazy thing called life.

anyways. i think i need sleep. i also think i've written more than enough for someone starting a blog at damn near four in the morning. keep reading.

another time, another sleepless night--sincerely, faustina.

1 thoughts:

temporary said...

I really liked the "LaKeRfAn4LyFe". Haha! Totally kidding. Lookin' forward to reading this.

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